Announcing Making History: The Second World War

Announcing Making History: The Second World War

March 01, 2017

After almost a year under production, Factus Games is happy to officially announce upcoming release of a brand new Making History game called The Second World War. This will be the 4th WWII offering in the MH series, but the first game release from Factus Games. So this is a big deal for us. Making History: The Second World War is being constructed using the game engine and mechanics created for The Great War.

As a result, the gameplay will have much more in common with TGW than MH2. In addition to all the new events, units and content, we’ll be adding numerous features and gameplay enhancements to give players a period specific experience. Of course improvements to the AI will be a big part of our efforts.

The actual release date has not been set but we’d really like to get it out in the Fall 2017. More information will be made available going forward, and there will be screenshots out soon. We still have a lot of work ahead of us but we are dedicated to making this the best Making History release ever.

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